Imagine what it would be like to endure a burning sensation so intense that the most potent pain relievers are practically ineffective, leaving you with the feeling that your body is on fire ...
Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy/Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (RSD/CRPS) is a painful & debilitating chronic neurological disorder that occurs when the nervous system malfunctions in response to a injury, following a medical procedure or illness - in Michelle's case following a medical procedure.
Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy/Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (RSD/CRPS), characterized by Continuous sharp, stabbing & burning pain; Extreme sensitivity to touch; Severe headaches; Painful skin ulcers; Intense muscle spams; Softening of bones; Dystonia; Skin temperature & color changes; Hair/nail growth changes; Muscle atrophy; Vascular & Autonomic dysfunction; Sensitivity to lights & sounds and Paralysis. This illness can occur in anyone at any time, and usually presents itself after small or large traumas, such as a bump and bruise or a surgery. The immune system becomes activated, looking to treat an injury that no longer exists by sending certain immune cells to activate pain and inflammatory responses. In many cases, the illness begins in one region of the body and spreads to all four limbs and beyond. It can also present itself in the internal organs, such as the heart and lungs.
This rare condition is a mystery to scientists & often is misdiagnosed. Much more research is needed to find the cause of RSD/CRPS and ways to treat and prevent it.
For more information please visit links below.
American RSDHope
Rocky Mountain CRPS/RSD